
My name is Adrian Faccioni and here is what you need to know about me.

I have been involved in Sport and Fitness/Conditioning for over 30-years. 

My interest began as an avid Track and Field competitor, leading to coaching multiple Track & Field disciplines over the subsequent 20+ years.

I applied my Track and Field conditioning knowledge to many different sports with a focus on Speed and Power development for athletes.

This experience landed me a position as lecturer in charge within the University of Canberra’s Sports Studies department – running the Sports Coaching degree.

In 2000, I took on the challenge of developing a new technology, GPS for sport/fitness, and commercialised the first Sport GPS device globally.

In 2016, I moved back into Strength and Conditioning with a focus on translating the latest in Sports Science research into training information that can be applied by all fitness individuals wanting to get fitter, stronger, better. 

With this site, I will be providing regular articles on many aspects of Strength and Conditioning, Physiology, Training and other topics of interest.

I also run a face-to-face consultancy service (group, one-on-one) in all aspects of Strength and Conditioning with a particular interest in physical development in 40+ year olds.

Books by Adrian

  • Amazon Book: Globally Positioning Sport: Why being first out of the blocks doesn’t guarantee you will win the race! – Adrian Faccioni


Articles by Adrian



  • Faccioni, A. 2020. Core Training for the T&F Athlete – Article 1. ATFCA Newsletter/Coaching Journal Winter Edition.
  • Faccioni, A. 2020. Core Training for the T&F Athlete – Article 2. ATFCA Newsletter/Coaching Journal Spring Edition.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 9, Jan 2003, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 8, Dec 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 7, Nov 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 6, Oct 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 5, Sept 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 4, Aug 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 3, July 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 2, June 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Fit to Play? Australian Netballer. Issue 1, May 2002, 27-28.
  • Faccioni, A. 2002. Dynamic Warmup for Sport. Olympian’s News. January/February 2002, 177-180 (Italian).
  • Faccioni A. & Rutledge, I 2002 Dynamic Warmups Hockey Zone Vol 5, Issue 1, March 2002, 28-29.
  • Faccioni, A & Rutledge, I. 2001. Active Warmup routines for Hockey. Sports Coach Vol 24, No. 1, 20-23.
  • Faccioni, A. 2001. New technologies in sport. Sports Coach Vol 23, No. 3, pp 31-32.
  • Faccioni, A. 1997. Speed development for Team Sport athletes. The New Zealand Coach. Vol 6, No. 1.pp10-13.
  • Faccioni, A. 1995. The role of the mid-torso in maximising sprint performance. Track Coach. Fall, 133,4233-4237, 4245, 4261
  • Faccioni, A. 1995. Medicine ball exercises for speed and power development. Strength and Conditioning Coach. Vol 3, No. 2. pp5-7.
  • Faccioni, A. 1995. Warm-up routines for dynamic sports. Strength and Conditioning Coach, Vol 3, No. pp7-9.
  • Faccioni, A. 1995. Periodization of Speed training. Strength and Conditioning Coach, Vol 2, No. 4. pp3-5
  • Faccioni, A. 1994. Speed development for team sport athletes. Sports Coach Vol. 17, No. 2. pp32-34.
  • Faccioni, A. 1994. The role of the mid torso in maximising sprint performance. Strength & Conditioning Coach, Vol 2, No. 2. pp6-10.
  • Kafer, R., Adamson, G., O’Conner, M. and Faccioni, A. 1994. Methods for maximising speed development. Strength & Conditioning Coach, Vol. 2, No. 1. pp9-1.
  • Faccioni, A. 1994. Resisted & Assisted methods for speed development. (part 2) Modern Athlete & Coach. Vol 32, No. 3. pp8-12.
  • Faccioni, A. 1994. Resisted & Assisted methods for speed development. (part 1) Modern Athlete & Coach. Vol. 32, No. 2. pp3-6.
  • Faccioni, A. 1993. Speed development for team sport athletes. Strength & Conditioning Coach, Vol. 1, No. 4. pp8-10.
  • Faccioni, A. 1993. Resisted & Assisted methods for Speed development. Pt 2 Strength & Conditioning Coach, Vol. 1, No. 3. pp 7-10.
  • Faccioni, A. 1993. Resisted & Assisted methods for Speed development. Pt 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach, Vol. 1, No. 2. pp 10-11.
  • Faccioni, A. 1993. Strength & Power Development; The influence these parameters have upon sprinting performance. Strength & Conditioning Coach, Vol. 1, No. 1. pp 6-7.
  • Faccioni, A. and Kafer, R. 1992. Core strength training exercises. Pro Cam Studio, Toowong, Qld. Videocassette.
  • Faccioni, A. and Kafer, R. 1992. Olympic type lifts. Pro Cam Studio, Toowong, Qld. Videocassette.
  • Faccioni, A. and Kafer, R. 1992. Explosive exercises. Pro Cam Studio, Toowong, Qld. Videocassette.
  • Faccioni, A. 1992. Strength and conditioning for track events. Pro Cam Studio, Toowong, Qld. Videocassette.
  • Faccioni, A. and Kafer, R. 1992. Supplemental strength training exercises. Pro Cam Studio, Toowong, Qld. Videocassette.
  • Faccioni, A. 1992. Strength and Power, sprinting speed. Pro Cam Studio, Toowong, Qld.Videocassette.
  • Faccioni, A. 1991. Speed Skills. Australian Runner, Vol. 11, No. 3. pp 14-15.
  • Faccioni, A. 1991. Training and the 800m event. Modern Athlete and Coach, Vol. 29, No. 2. pp 3-5.


  • ACT Emerging Exporter Award (GPSports)
  • University of Canberra, Chancellors Award for contribution to Sport, 2015
  • Distinguished Alumni – University of Canberrarac b

Image of Adrian Faccioni - Fatch Fitness


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