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Services Fatch Fitness offer

Adrian from Fatch Fitness has over 30 years of strength and conditioning experience to offer clients.

As someone well over 40 himself, Adrian has a keen interest in exercise routines that assist the older trainer in regaining lost attributes such as strength, flexibility & mobility.

It is a common belief that as we move into our late 40’s, 50’s and beyond that we are going to slow down and stop being able to do many of the things we could do in our 20’s and 30’s. 

BUT, with the application of the right types of exercises, it is possible to regain many of our younger physical attributes. That means making this period of our life not one of slow down, but one of continued physical exploration and attainment. 

40 years + Program
Fatch Fitness has developed a range of conditioning programs that allow you to progress from beginner to advanced, with a focus on the following goals:

Improving knee/hip strength and flexibility 

  1. Through lack of use we allow our knees and hips to become the site of much of our discomfort as we age. Joint mobility is improved through the correct use of specific exercises.
  2. Full squats are the ultimate goal – We have many clients whom when started, were lucky to get any significant knee bend at all – now many of them can fully squat changing everything about their enthusiasm for exercise and everyday activities. 

Strengthening your Core

  1. Lack of core strength leads to poor posture and lower back issues (>90% of all 40+ year olds have had lower back issues). My programs are designed to not only improve your core strength (and reduce any back pain you might have), but to also help you regain spinal mobility. This is so important for good posture & spinal health. 
Fatch Fitness Services

Balance & Proprioception

  1. The great thing about regaining your balance is that it isn’t hard work – what it requires is regular balance exercises to retrain your brain and body to better understand where you are in space. 
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift


  1. This is the capacity to step up onto a high step, squat down when needing to pick something up, walk with a strong and long stride and feel safe in unfamiliar body positions when needing to move an object. 




  1. Improving flexibility when you’re over 40 is very different from when you were 20!!
  2. Much of the improvement in flexibility as you age is at the joint. Fatch Fitness has developed a range of flexibility programs that maximise joint flexibility, which then improves overall mobility.

Fatch Fitness has developed a wide range of fun and challenging exercises that target all the above attributes. Our programs start from absolute beginner up to quite competitive advanced routines. Most importantly, a key focus of all my sessions are on the correct execution of all exercises undertaken. Poor technique leads to performance stagnation and injury.


Abdominal & Core Strength

The core is made up of all the abdominal muscles (Front, side, deep),  the important rear core muscles (Erector Spinae Group) and the main pelvic muscles (Gluteals, Hip Flexors).

The key to a functional core is ensuring that all muscle groups within this region we call “The Core” are able to support the torso/lumbar spine during all the daily activities you might like to undertake.

Due to the importance of developing the core in the right way, I have developed an online course “INTRODUCTION TO THE CORE” which you can access from the button below.

Internal Core Muscles


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Change your life for a fitter, healthier future

The basis of Fatch Fitness's successful 40+ program is the focus on the 4-Pillars of Fitness.

3 Runners
Fatch Fitness

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